Saving Cash On Back To School Products

By Cornelius Nunev

It is time again to equip your children for the forthcoming school year. However, in case you are like most Americans, in spite of inflation, you aren't making any more cash than you did last year. So we offer a little information on how to keep your children and their school happy, while staying on your budget.

Issue with back to school shopping

There is one issue with back to school time even though it is the second largest shopping season of the year and stores offer a lot of good bargains to get you in.

Patricia Hasson is the Clarifi President and Executive Director. She said:

"Wait for the list [of supplies required by the school]. It's easy to be tempted right now with all these great offers that they are advertising right now, except in a lot of cases you're not even sure what the school is going to require you to get."

However, some things are a given, and there is no reason not to take advantage of current deals on those things.

Family electronics

Buying new electronics costs the average family $217 a year, according to author David Bach who spoke with NBC. He also explained that getting computers, iPads and more should be done in August since it is the best time of year to get good bargains.

According to Kristen Guilfoos of CBS, that is not actually true. She suggests that the products will not get affordable until Black Friday and the end of November. Still, we accept Bach's advice since most students will need their electronics before Nov hits.

If you purchase stuff refurbished or buy online, you can save money too.

Getting other materials

According to Bach:

"September is the best time to shop for everything else."

Real bargains will not start on things until after school begins, he suggests, so he tells people to wait as long as possible. If you can wait on just a few supplies for the deals to kick in, do it. is opposite of Bach though:

"There's really no incentive to hold off on purchasing school supplies. A lot of stores like Staples and Office Max, they're offering special promotions that just won't get any better after the school year starts."

We recommend bargain outlets and purchasing in bulk. Some supplies can even be found at Dollar Store outlets. After all, standard-grade paper and pens are virtually the same wherever you get them from.

Buying clothing for school

Many people want to save money, but their kids want the latest fashions. That is when bargain shopping should start.

Sakraida said:

"Typically September and October are the best times to buy jeans because they're trying to unload what didn't sell in the back to school sales."

Keep an errant eye on bargains and discounts. She says brand names like can occasionally be found as inexpensively as $20, if you wait until school begins.

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