Tips To Make Your Next Move Easier

By Kevin Benedict

Packing up and moving is almost never an appealing chore. While moving to a new home and possibly area can be an exciting prospect, the actual act of finding a new home, packing boxes, loading them up and then doing it in reverse is undoubtedly the most unpopular aspect of the project. But there are ways that a move can be made a little easier. First off, there a number of web tools that can help with the first step: finding a home. Sites like Zillow make it simple to find a house suited for your needs and budget.

Next up is packing. Always remember to label boxes according to whom those items belong too. You can also save a lot of time, space and money by cutting down on the cost and space of boxes. When packing certain items you can utilize your baskets, laundry bins, suitcases and hampers as boxes.

A preemptive measure you'll want to take is to pack a small duffel bag with items you'll need for the first few nights. After unloading, you'll likely be exhausted, and having a bag of essentials easily accessible is much easier than unpacking boxes, searching for one or two items you need for the night. When packing, you can also be efficient by being creative, such as using clothing as padding for breakable objects.

Moving is a very physical chore, and if your family and friends aren't able to handle it alone, you might consider enlisting the help of a moving company. Be sure to do your research and choose one that you can trust. When they arrive to render their assistance, be sure to give them clear instructions so that they know exactly how you want them to move your items. Most companies come with an insurance of some sort, which should help ease your mind.

At least a couple of weeks before you move, you'll want to get everything sorted out with your new address. You don't want your mail being delivered to your old house after you're gone, so at the very least, you'll want to stop delivery and pick it up from the post office. Additionally, moving provides an ample opportunity to get rid of items you no longer need. eBay and Craigslist are good ways to sell them. Doing this means fewer items to pack and transport and a bit of extra cash in your pocket.

The best time of the year to move would be the winter. When the temperature drops there are a lot of homes on the market. Rates for moving are cheaper in the winter simply because they are not many people to move in the winter months of the year. If you have small children or pets and are moving to a new area of the same city, state or town, be sure to call a sitter ahead of time to prevent any time delays. Always prepare a check list that covers everything that you will need for a successful move into your new home.

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