Living Debt Free Is Easy

By Jocelyn Davidson

Credit is readily available for most, unless they have an unfavorable credit history. Those that do will have a hard time getting new or increased amounts to make their larger ticket purchases. Unfortunately, there is the flip side of the coin, where it is so available to so many others who get caught up in a web that is so hard to get out of. Below, learn the lessons in living debt free, for a better life, with less stress and more pleasure.

Loans and credit cards are really what make people very unhappy because they end up owing too much. Every thought can become shadowed by their debts owed, and they try to get creative as to how to pay them off. While many people do find themselves in trouble, the majority really get into trouble because they are put into a situation that changed their lives, like a job loss.

At that point, many consumers turn to their credit cards to make it to the next month, and until they find another job. It takes one month for every $10,000 earned in salary. That means that for someone who is looking for a job that pays $50,000, they'll need five months to find it, at minimum. So living off credit cards may not be a great idea.

That's where the catastrophic fund comes in to play. This is a fund that a consumer creates in case of a job loss. It's that extra insurance money everyone needs as the just in case there's trouble. If everyone did that, fewer would have to declare bankruptcy.

Being wise about one's credit is the best way to go about it. Each one should be paid off at the end of every month. Therefore, it's important for people to hold back when they have any impulse to shop for something they really can't afford. Carrying over balances ends up costing too much in interest.

The ideal way to live is to live within one's means. The problem with that is that people are exposed to so many of the finer things in life that it's hard to stay focused with what one can really afford. However, should trouble be on the horizon, it's important to act. One way to do so is through a loan consolidation. This is where consumer visits an agency that can help greatly.

These arrangements ensure there is no further interest added to the amount owed. Plus, agents negotiate the actual balances, often reducing them greatly so the final amounts owed are far less that anticipated. These negotiations can make all the difference in how much is owed and how quickly debts can be paid off.

Having said all that, it's vital that consumers become more realistic. According to what their income is, they should have spending limits. Not everyone is a Hollywood actor or an Internet guru is making thousands of dollars a day. As such, not everyone can really afford $1000 shoes and such. What's more is that many people can't afford to really spend several dollars each day on gourmet coffee. People have to calculate what it really cost them over the course of the year.

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