Importance Of Florida Green Homes

By Marci Nielsen

The climate change and global warming are caused by human activities. Surprisingly, even the houses we live in are major contributor of pollutants that affect the environmental standards. The global efforts aimed at reducing the amount of carbon released to the atmosphere can be realized if all the houses are green updated. The green building technology protects all the natural resources and plants present at the construction site. The Florida green homes aims toward achieving a safe and sustainable environment.

The advantages of living in a green home make the cost of owning such as a house insignificant. The quality of the air is improved, and instance of respiratory complications are eliminated. Paints used in these houses are eco-friendly, unlike those used in traditional buildings. Paints use in the traditional house produces vapors that are carcinogenic, and causes cancer to the occupants. The environmental friendly homes balance the room temperature. The allergies that result from unbalanced temperature are eliminated.

The cost of energy is reduced for houses that embrace the green upgrade. The Department of energy in the United States established that energy cost would decrease by twenty million dollars, if every building embraced the green plan. There is need to integrate efficient energy saving techniques, and make the house comfortable and healthy. Consulting experts in the energy sector can provide clear guideline that can help individual use modernized and eco-friendly energy sources.

Occupants of modernized houses enjoy the services of efficient water conservation systems. The toilets are designed to use less volume of water. They can use exactly one gallon for each flush, while toilets in traditional buildings use over five gallons per flush. The occupants of upgraded building are able to save a significant amount when paying the water bills. The buildings are installed with piping and tanks for harvesting the rain water. The drainage system is separated from the sewage and treatment plant system. Therefore, incidences of flooding become a problem of the past.

Most of the materials used in the construction of green buildings are recycled products. This minimizes the amount of trash available for disposal. Some of these products are inorganic, and may stay underground for century, thus, interfering with the microbial activity of soil organism. Traditional buildings are supported using wooden material that require cutting down of trees.

The modern houses are eco-friendly. The material used for the constructions are durable. They withstand excessive heat. The materials are not subject to termites attack. Their maintenance is cheap unlike traditional building that requires occasionally spraying and renovation. The preservatives used for traditional models are expensive. The cleanliness standards of modernized homes are top-notch.

The green home is a lucrative venture that each investor should consider. With the increased campaigns encouraging residents to conserve and keep the environment, the demand for such houses is likely to increase. The efficient water and energy management are some of the qualities that will lead to increase in the value of such buildings.

The health standard of the occupants is likely to increase if their houses are upgraded. Many diseases arise from living in a substandard facility. The occupants can also increase their productivity when they live in a clean and safe environment.

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