Exactley What South Beach Real-Estate Offers

By Cera Ciro

Miami Beach has several of the finest homes and condos properties in the world, for that, the priciest residences available in the market are forever intriguing to both of the high-end luxury home owners as well as biggest investors in the United Sates and the world alike.

The Miami Beach Market is still in demand as there continues to be a lot of good reasons to be upbeat about Miami's housing market. But not only did the property sector get over the extraordinary difficult financial time with flying colors, but the cash investors and vigilant finance practices which the loan companies employ today combined with Miami Beach's charm to global residents and lastly the South Florida sunshine and white sandy beaches together with the today's huge property demand demonstrates promise in the future of the Miami Beach housing market.

An excellent case study is Beach house 8 an eight unit high-end condo building within the mid beach area of Collins Avenue that was launched in 2013 with condominiums asking between high $1600's to $2000 plus per square. Ft have only two residences left and consequently, Glass in the highly coveted South of Fifth area with exclusive 10 units marketed in the lower $2000 per square feet has a single unit remaining.

Not to mention, the record busting purchases selling prices in the ultra-luxury Setai South Beach, Continuum, Miami Beach Edition and also the sold out Faena House.

Domestic Investors, along with new buyers from Latin America, Russia and Countries in Europe searching luxury real estate are now buying some of the most wanted local homes brining about some stability in to the current market. By having the wide range of Florida properties available, including waterfront homes and condos buying and selling in the millions and median residential properties selling for affordable price tags, Florida possesses a good real estate mix, keeping most of these investors happy.

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