How To Prepare Your Home For Sale Prior To Hiring A Real Estate Broker

By Gary Powell

It takes more than great marketing to achieve a successful property sale. In fact, industry experts often stress that proper presentation is just as important as putting word out about the sale. That said, there's a good chance that you don't know what could affect your home's presentation, especially if it's the first time you're selling. Why not make things easier for your self by learning what steps you'll need to take before hiring a real estate broker Charlotte NC?

Having decided to put your home up for sale, it's very important that you detach yourself from the property. Pack up all personal items, family photos, artworks, plus anything else you won't be needing for your daily routine. Depending on how much storage you have left, consider renting a storage unit to avoid cluttering other rooms. This shouldn't cost you too much, and it's the only expense you'll incur in tidying up the space.

Rearranging your furniture can help you showcase each room in a manner that will appeal to more buyers. Try angling your furnishings to come up with different layouts, and get rid of any items that seem too large for the space. Pay more attention to the kitchen, living room and bedrooms, but don't forget to leave enough space for traffic flow.

This isn't always obvious, but the right smells can actually steer the buyer's eye towards the positive features of a property on sale. And don't think your house won't stink just because you've cleaned it up. Most detergents have potent odors, and these could create unpleasant smells if you don't address them. You should thus consider getting some plug-in deodorizers, of course allowing fresh air in by opening your windows regularly.

You don't need to be a professional painter to give your walls a fresh look and feel. All you need is a quart of paint and the right supplies, the cost of which will hardly approach the 3-digit territory. To create a clean, contemporary look, use neutral shades instead of bright and bold colors. The former will appeal to more buyers, and you could always use accessories to highlight specific areas.

Don't underestimate the power of lighting in creating an inviting indoor space. Besides keeping the space lit properly, consider installing higher-wattage bulbs to make the rooms feel larger. It's worth pointing out that these should be strategically, so don't fall for the temptation to replace every single light in your house.

Bringing a bit of Mother Nature indoors is an easy way to soften up the space and make potential buyers feel welcome. Just take a look at your backyard and see if there's anything you could take advantage of. Items like shells, flowers, driftwood and rocks will all work perfectly here, particularly if you make good use of your creativity.

Overall, you don't have to spend too much money to showcase your home in the best possible light. All you'll need to do is improve what you already have and iron out all the small details. This could mean sacrificing your time, but the effort you put into this process will pay off handsomely when buyers start streaming in.

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