The Facts About The Startup Unsecured Business Loans

By Leslie Ball

Even with a nice business idea and a garage space, the enterprise can still be held back by capital. The new businesses require a lot of investment, especially in the initial period where expensive equipment has to be bought and massive marketing is required. This is the time that the business is least likely to benefit from loans and most lenders consider them risky. In most cases, the owners have to use their personal assets as security to get a loan. However, there are a number of startup unsecured business loans that may be your salvation.

The unsecured business loan is a line of credit that you can get in the form of a credit card as long as you have a close to perfect credit score. It is available for the expanding startups and completely new businesses that have no significant assets to use as collateral.

Just like any other credit card facility, these credit extensions attract high-interest rates. One of their major setbacks is that they are more expensive as compared to the secured credit facilities. This is to compensate for the risk the lender is taking by entering the contract deal. However, it is an easy option as you only need an assurance that you will make repayment as agreed and a good credit history.

This type of financing is the best you can get at this stage of enterprise development; the bank is not interested in any collateral. All they require is your past history and your assurance that you will be paying according to terms and conditions that you agree upon. Understandably though, the lender is taking a bigger risk and is thus going to compensate with a higher interest rate.

In order to qualify, you need to have a FICO credit score of not less than 700 particularly if you are a startup. However, the businesses that were in operation for sometimes have to use their financial records to convince the lender if they are looking for a loan to expand. Of the most importance are the cash flow statement and the profit history.

However, before borrowing, there are a number of things to consider. It is important to be aware that some unsecured business credit facilities come in the form of the merchant account financing. As such, the borrower is not required to make the periodic repayments. Instead, the lender charges a specific percentage of every sale made by the business through a deduction from every credit card transaction towards loan repayment.

This percentage consists of a portion of loan principal as well as interest repayment. As a borrower, you must understand that a merchant account is the most expensive form of an unsecured loan. Normally, the interest rate is from 15% to 20%, but if it is the merchant account, the interest can reach 30% per year. In comparison to the secured credit facilities, the unsecured loans are very expensive in terms of interest rates and the borrower is often given a shorter time to repay the loans.

Before making your application, take your time to compare the pros and cons of these credit facilities against other available options. In addition to this, take time to shop around as every bank has unique requirements. This ensures that you get the best possible deal.

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