Questions About The Security Deposit Laws In CT

By Matt Baumberger

If you are a renter or own a piece of rental property, it is crucial to be informed about the security deposit laws in CT. The purpose of these regulations and laws is to protect the renter and the landlord. These laws describe the responsibilities and rights of tenants and landlords concerning the return, holding, and collection of a security deposit. Below are some of the more common questions regarding security laws. These laws are effective statewide.

How much can a landlord ask for a security deposit?

Two months rent is the most a landlord can charge a tenant if they are under 62 years old. If they are older than 62, the landlord can only charge one month's rent. If a tenant older than 62 has paid more than this, they have the right to ask the landlord to be reimbursed for the difference.

Where should the security deposit be kept by the landlord?

According to security deposit laws in CT, in an escrow account in a CT financial institution. This makes sure it stays the tenants deposit and no creditors of the landlord can get their hands on this money. Upon the end of the lease or on it's anniversary, the landlord is required by law to pay interest on this deposit amount to the tenant.

Upon receipt of the security deposit, does the landlord have to give a written notice?

The landlord does not have to give a written notice after receipt of the security deposit in the state of Connecticut.

When can the landlord keep the security deposit?

A landlord can keep all or a portion of the security deposit if the tenant doesn't pay rent, damages the property in excess of normal wear and tear or violates other terms on the lease agreement such as unpaid utility bills.

When is the security deposit returned to the tenant?

After the tenant leaves the property, the landlord has 30 days to return the security deposit and any interest according to the security deposit laws in CT. He will have 30 days also to return the security deposit if there is no forwarding address given to him or her. The landlord will receive 15 days from the time the tenant leaves the property if a forwarding address is given to them. If there is any damage to the rental or any lease agreement violations, the landlord has the right to keep some of the security deposit. The price of repairs and an itemized list must be sent to the tenant. If any of these security deposit laws in CT are not followed by the landlord, the tenant could have rights to double the security deposit.

What happens to the security deposit if the property is sold?

The new owner would have the security deposit, and any interest, transferred over to him by the old landlord. The security deposit would then be put into another escrow account and the new landlord is now responsible for returning it to the tenant at the correct time.

More information about security deposit laws in CT can be found by looking at Section 47a-21 of the Connecticut general statues.

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